Take back your rights!

Blog of personal philosophy, advocating liberty.

Thursday, January 12, 2006


Surely everyone knows by now the classic example of extreme chutzpah: A young man murders his parents then throws himself on the mercy of the court because he's an orphan.
Sen. Ted Kennedy (Slimeball-Mass.) demonstrated another example in his outrageous questioning of Supreme Court nominee Samuel Alito.
Kennedy, a member of what is sometimes called "the most exclusive club in the world" (and sometimes "the world's greatest deliberative body" and sometimes "a disgusting collection of morons and crooks and other politicians"), had the chutzpah to question Alito for his possible, probable, membership in some organization of alumni of Princeton University.
Reportedly Alito actually listed his membership on a resume and application for some position in the Reagan administration, but in recent years he has disclaimed any activity in the group and, when told of some politically non-correct position the group took, he expressed disagreement with and opposition to that position.
Still, Kennedy persisted in asking and asking and asking about that group, although Alito's membership goes back nearly as many years as Kennedy's killing of that young woman in his submerged car.
Kennedy, though, kept trying to use guilt by association: The group's magazine said bad things; Alito was a member of the group; therefore Alito must believe bad things.
OK, let's use Kennedy's own ... uh, "reasoning" seems too complimentary to apply to Kennedy, but, heck, we'll be polite to the scumbag and use it.
Alito must be a racist because he was a member of a group whose magazine carried articles of racist flavor?
Then Kennedy must be a racist because he is (and God only knows why the lunatics and morons of Massachusetts outnumber the sane voters) a long-time member of the United States Senate, and its members have included the fiery racist Theodore Bilbo (D.-Miss.) (and surely it's not just a coincidence both Bilbo and Kennedy were/are known as "Ted") and the doddering Robert Byrd (KKK-W.Va).
Turnabout being fair play, Sen. Byrd must also be a woman abuser, since he is a member of that club to which Sen. Kennedy (Swine-Mass.) also belongs, and from which Sen. Kennedy (Drunk-Mass.) has never been expelled or even criticized for his pawings and verbal assaults upon women, including waitresses in otherwise posh D.C. establishments. (They can't be too posh if they let Kennedy in.)
Alito's wife was in tears as the hypocritical scum, including Joe Biden (Plagiarist-Del.), attacked and attacked, and talked and talked and talked and talked, expressing their vicious partisanship, and, in fact, using up most of the time alloted for the alleged questioning of the nominee.
Being a politician's wife, though, she had to return and pretend to smile, but I would have a lot more respect for her if she'd say what she really feels, that Kennedy, Biden, and the other partisan and mean-spirited members of the U.S. Senate were what the rest of us know: Liars, hypocrites, thieves, bigots, racists, and just general all-around scum, advocates of all that's wrong and dirty in American politics.
Obviously I too am being a bit marshmallowy, not fully venting my anger and disgust and contempt at those scurvy pigs who make up the Democrats in the U.S. Senate, people who are so low, so rotten, in fact, they even -- temporarily, I'm sure -- make the Republicans seem almost like human beings.

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Cartoon worth a thousand words

Scott Stantis is usually referred to as "a conservative," by those in the "news" media who know only the black and white, the "red and blue" of two-dimensional non-thinking.
His daily strip is named, for a reason I don't know but should probably find out, "Prickly City."
Apparently its popularity is growing, even though it should. That is, pardon my Menckian cynicism, it really is a quality strip and its popularity is a surprise considering the generally low quality of pop culture.
His strip for a while replaced, in the raggedy Chattanooga Times Free Press, the better drawn and far less subtle "Mallard Fillmore," but Mallard was brought back, after what seems to have been a lot of public demand.
"Prickly City," though, presents some ideas that don't get much attention otherwise in the so-called "news" media, and I harp and harp that everyone really, really ought to read the comics pages for entertainment, yes, but also for some of the most profound commentary and some of the most brilliantly creative writing in modern American literature.
Here is the "Prickly City" strip dated 4 January 2006. Enjoy. ... Oops, though it is a good link -- in fact, a very good link -- you will get the latest installment, not the one referenced. Go look. Enjoy.
