Take back your rights!

Blog of personal philosophy, advocating liberty.

Saturday, April 29, 2006

Illegal immigration problem solved

Worry warts, including racists, need no longer be concerned about immigrants swarming in from Mexico.
Here is the beginning of the news story that surely will lay those worries to rest:

Updated: 8:46 p.m. ET April 28, 2006

MEXICO CITY - Mexico’s Congress approved a bill Friday decriminalizing possession of small amounts of marijuana, ecstasy, cocaine and heroin for personal use — a measure sure to raise questions in Washington about Mexico’s commitment to the war on drugs.
The only step remaining was the signature of the president, whose office indicated he would sign it.

So, why will they be coming to America, the United States part, when life in Mexico is going to be so much more pleasant?
At the same time, a lot of the United Statesians we don't want will surely be encouraged to move south.
Adios, amigos.

Monday, April 03, 2006

Separatist movement calls it quits

After 40 years of trying for independence, the ETA movement is declaring a cease fire, according to reports.
ETA, those reports say, will continue to seek autonomy via politics instead of violence -- after some 800 killings.
The end of the conflict means some of the secrets of the separatist movement are being made public.
One of the seemingly strange rules governing ETA was that every member was ordered to have at least two back doors in his home.
Turned out it wasn't such a strange dictum after all: They just didn't want, in case of a raid by the Spanish police, to get caught with all their Basques in one exit.

Now we learn if there really is a God

Here is the April 3, 2006, headline:

Arrest Warrant Sought for Rep. McKinney

Cynthia McKinney, D-of course-Ga., is, a flaming lunatic.
As a member of Congress, where she is a colleague to liars, thieves, morons, psychos, and others who are, to be blunt, Members of Congress, she still stands out.
She's even crazier than the rest of them.
Her latest bout of psychosis involved hitting a Capitol policeman.
His crime: He didn't recognize her and she wasn't wearing her identification badge, so he did his job, trying to prevent unauthorized entry to the Capitol.
Naturally, being the vicious, slimy, and mentally unstable racist she is, she accused the officer of being a racist.
The most sorrowful note, so far, is that that usually fine actor Danny Glover has publicly stood up for her, probably -- deservedly -- destroying his reputation ... no, of course he won't be harmed. (In Hollywood, it would be far more damaging to his career if he made a movie endorsing, say, Jesus Christ and Christianity.)
Harry Belafonte did, too, but he has been a hopeless case for many years now.
Other professional blacks have gone to her defense and some of her most racist constituents have ralled and demonstrated in her support.
Though recent history doesn't give us much expectation, still we can hope that, for once, justice will prevail and the very mis-representative Cynthia McKinney will spend at least some time in jail.